
Resetear is present on social media platforms, however it lacks presence on Google, despite having an important group of  clients that have very favorable conversion rate when finding websites that offer therapies and mental health courses on Google, as long as they come into contact with a website that transmits professionalism and trust.


The conversion rate of contact with the brand through social media is from medium to low, users say that seeing a website of a program that offers therapies and mental health courses on Google, generates greater trust and helps them decide to get in touch with them faster.

Research Approach

Resetear, is a project that grew from mouth to mouth,  which then sought to have presence on social media and decided to have a website where it was possible for them to explain in a more detailed way how their program works. The website, responds to its second group of audience and which Resetear partners expect to grow, this audience is made up  of both men and women between the ages of 25-35. Clients who go on Google to search and request a mental health service like the one Resetear offers. For this project, surveys and interviews were conducted in order to fully capture users’ needs.

Research Results

Empathy Map

User Persona &


A  friendly website, which considers the needs and behavior of users, with data obtained from the survey and interviews, where it was possible to see their desire to be able to navigate through a website of Resetear. At the same time this website will communicate with Resetear’s second biggest audience, which shows a great percentage of leads when in contact with the brand through a website that transmits professionalism and trust.  

Customer Journey


User Flow



UI Kit

Look & Feel

